Safe, Satisfied & Connected

SafeWe had the third meeting of our four week Introduction to Meditation Class at Yoga Bliss today.  During the month of November we’re focusing on the basics in order to help each other build a personal practice.

We began with a body scan and revisited the six points of posture.  Bringing awareness to feeling sensation in the whole body and then different body parts helps to calm and center our minds.

We brought a sense of being safe, satisfied and connected into our awareness.  We shared a comfortable, warm and safe room.  For the moment, our basic needs were substantially met.  We were among accepting, supportive people with whom we could share a sense of connection.  These are the three states that give rise to “homeostatic equilibrium.” This state is the foundation for an experience of well being, an ability to cope and an instinct to heal.  Dr. Rick Hanson describes this as the brain being in the “Green Zone.”

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A Path with Heart

A Path With HeartGo Saturday!  We had our first meeting of the our 12 week meditation series to kick off the Daring Greatly:  60 Day Gratitude Challenge at Two Rivers Yoga.  Together we take up the challenge of personal transformation and to live in gratitude.   Today we began in stillness to explore our heart’s connection to the commitment we are making.

We are taking an amazing journey in which we can learn about ourselves, each other and our world. Stillness offers a wonder opportunity to really know the place from which we begin – in this case – to know ourselves well enough to seek what is most healing and empowering and what will enable us to live with thanks.

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Whole Body Breathing

Whole Body BreathingWe had our Sunday Introduction to Meditation Class at Yoga Bliss.   We practiced a guided meditation adapted from Dr. Rick Hanson‘s book, The Buddha’s Brain: the Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom.  We explored a gradual expansion of focus from the area where we felt the breath most distinctly, to feeling all parts of breathing, to the whole body and finally on the faculty of being aware itself.



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The Web Inside

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We had the first of our four part series of yogic explorations of the inner body.  We studied how the pathways of connective tissue in the body, or the fascia, organize themselves by the ways we are structured and by ways we move.  Like this spider web’s elegant design our bodies can bear weight and force, pushes and pulls.  Yet if we’re strained excessively, pulled out of balance or hardened by lack of movement, we’re vulnerable to injury.  Thankfully, like the spider we have the capacity to repair our web – working intelligently to strengthen and stabilize from our center so we can radiate movement outward with support!

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Let’s Make a Circle

liquid tranquility

We had our Sunday Introduction to Meditation Class at Yoga Bliss.   The class was dedicated to the memory of Kim Werdel and her family.  We practiced an adaptation of Dr. Rick Hanson‘s guided meditation called Expanding the Circle of Loving Kindness.  The meditation is drawn from his book, The Buddha’s Brain: the Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom.


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Wings of Relationship

_Flying_2We had our Sunday Introduction to Meditation Class at Yoga Bliss.   We practiced Dr. Rick Hanson‘s guided meditation called Opening to a Growing Sense of Contentment.  The meditation is drawn from his audio series, The Enlightened Brain. In this meditation we experienced empathy and acceptance by attuning to our own bodies, emotions and thoughts.


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