Greening of the Self in Meditation

This month, our Moving into Meditation class is focusing on the Yoga Ethic of  Isvara-Prañidhânâ: surrendering to one’s highest ideal.  This practice of devotion is a path to realizing Samadhi – the state of perfected concentration or the deep absorption of meditation.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra:

PYS II.45  samâdhi-siddhir îsvara-prañidhânât

From an attitude of letting go into one’s source (ishvarapranidhana), the state of perfected concentration (samadhi) is attained.

samâdhi = oneness, integration
siddhiï = perfection
îsvara = divine ideal of pure awareness
prañidhânât = surrender, dedication, application, alignment

In our group practice I invited students to surrender the sense of separate self to explore an interdependent being with the web of life. From an attitude of letting go into this state of inter-being we might realize Samadhi.    We drew on the work of eco-philosopher, Joanna Macy – particularly her wonderful book:  World as Lover World as Self.

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