The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We cultivated wonder and gratefulness. We imagined living our lives as a sacred pilgrimage. We considered what our inner compass would look like: how we might navigate the rest of our days with intention, letting go of what we no longer need and letting in the guidance and resources we will need to make the journey. A pilgrimage often involves solitude and silence, contemplative states that enable us to hear our hearts speak. May our heart’s wisdom can support us through the sorrows and wonders along the path.
We drew inspiration from Grateful Living’s Live Your Life As a Sacred Pilgrimage: A 5-Day Practice. The program is a gratefulness practice that offers a guided pilgrimage of the heart.
We heard John O’Donohue’s poem, For the Traveler. The poem is an encouragement and a blessing. When we travel we experience a new aloneness and a new silence. In the silence we can hear our heart speak. We are encouraged to venture into the unknown and to allow ourselves to be changed by the experience. He blesses us with a homecoming in which we will live our lives to the fullest.