The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We contemplated questions about how we want to spend our limited time here together. We cultivated a field of loving awareness in which our aspirations can grow.
Living by aspirations that are rooted in compassion might inspire us to affirm our inter-being with caring action.
We drew inspiration and guidance from Oren Jay Sofer’s new book: Your Heart Was Made for This: Contemplative Practices for Meeting a World in Crisis with Courage, Integrity, and Love. We reflected on aspirations that can help us live meaningful lives. Aspirations can arise in answer to our heart’s natural longing for the flourishing of all human and more than human beings.
We also drew inspiration from Insight Meditation teacher, Gil Fronsdal’s teaching. Gil and his fellow teachers offer a library of talks, guided meditations and courses through AudioDharma. You can experience his guided meditation, Attuned Aspiration, in this archive.
We heard from poet Jane Hirshfield’s On Being interview, The Fullness of Things. In this interview Jane shares how her natural inclination to question things expresses itself through her work and her life. She describes “looking for . . . an unmediated intimacy with things as they actually are, and perhaps an accurate understanding of what is the place of this self that we all walk around inside of and know the world through.” I think this is a helpful approach to growing and living aspiration.