In our Sunday Introduction to Meditation Class at Yoga Bliss we returned to the practice of building a posture of awareness. Our bodies come to express the quality of attention we are cultivating with our minds. We explored narrowing and broadening our focus using the breath as our home base. We always begin with the physical sensations of breathing and then notice other sensations as they arise. We investigate experience with bare attention, nothing added.
Then we notice our feeling response to sensation – whether it’s pleasant, unpleasant or simply neutral. What is the direct experience of pleasant feeling? Is “pleasant” in the body, the mind, the heart? Does our response arise in thought forms? Do these forms have bodies? Can you explore the body of a thought? Then we notice emotions – their arising and passing away. What and how do anger, joy, irritation, boredom and love live in our experience?
As we open ourselves in pausing we come to know that nothing is still or solid. All experience changes and it’s hard to find a lasting essence. Even the “me” we navigate the world with is ever changing and can’t be known completely. This realization is tinged with sadness and perhaps a sense of deep appreciation for the gift of life.