The Yogabliss, Two Rivers/River Tree Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. Poet Joy Harjo writes “Humans are vulnerable and rely on the kindnesses of the earth and the sun; we exist together in a sacred field of meaning.” I feel vulnerable. I rely on the many kindnesses given nearly every day. Our practice together is a gift giving that keeps my hope alive and spirits lifted. Today I am reminded that we give each other our faces in strange “digital space” that is strangely intimate. There is a meeting of hearts and minds in “a sacred field of meaning” that we co-create together.
We began practice with Joy’s beautiful poem: Praise the Rain. We used the poems lines to tune into the praises we carry for the beings and the things that we love. In the days leading to the holiday in which we give thanks we can tune into the inner songs that arise when we recognize the simplest blessings that make life possible. Like breathing.
Like the “unfailing generosity of trees” that poet Danna Faulds poem for a golden day. We considered the questions she asks about how willing we are to let the world in.
We considered the inter-dependent relationships that hold the world together. Thich Nhat Hanh, often referred to as Thay or teacher describes this as inter-being: “Everything relies on everything else in order to manifest.” Even our body is a community. It is home to trillions of non-human cells that outnumber our own human cells. Like the generous trees, they make our lives possible.
Cultural ecologist and geo-philosopher, David Abram, describes our inter-being as the visceral experience of inter-breathing. We live because we nourish each other.
Dr. Stephan Harding, co-founder of Schumacher College, teacher and writer, explains Gaia or Earth Consciousness, in Joanna Macy’s compilation A Wild Love for the World. We are part of the great web of life. What happens to Earth happens to us.
Joanna Macy has spent over sixty years organizing environmental and social action groups. Joanna is a national treasure. You can hear more about her remarkable life and work by listening to A Wild Love for the World on On Being with Krista Tippett. Her work describes the process by which we can develop Gaia Consciousness. In essence when we realize our inter-being caring for our world is simply and profoundly a way of caring for ourselves.