The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We explored the relationship between our need for meaning and our capacities for love and wonder. Love and wonder can help us to meet life just as it is. Love and wonder can be a practices that help us to bear suffering and perhaps, one day, be free.
We drew inspiration from the Ten Percent Happier interview, Why Your Brain Turns the Miraculous Into the Mundane – and How to Fix It. This was a discussion between journalist and meditation teacher Dan Harris and poet and writer Maria Popova. Maria is a scholar and curator of texts on culture, science and what it is to be human. She and Dan explored how wonder can be a portal to meaning. Wonder is unconditional. Our capacity to love enables us to see each other as beings of wonder.
We heard Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer’s poem, Belonging. Since 2006, she’s maintained a poem-a-day practice. Since 2011, she’s posted those poems for all to enjoy.
The guided meditation is draws on the teachings of Roshi Joan Halifax, founder of Upaya Zen Center.