The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We explored how we can offer caring and support to others on the path. We were inspired by the example of trail angels – the may folks who offer aid to through hikers. With mindfulness, we can “leave the light on” in our hearts and homes. We are all travelers in one way or another. We follow the trails blazed by others and create new paths for others to follow. We can share guidance, inspiration and the wisdom of experience. We can live life as a gift. .
Today’s practice was greatly inspired by Greta Matos’ Grateful Living essay, The Privilege of Sharing Abundance. Greta describes the deep joy of being a “trail angel.” She shares the joy of helping two women who walked 20,000 miles across the Americas. They were on the trail for two years and expected it would take them five years to walk from the southern tip of South America to the northern tip of North America.
As a young person, Greta spent many hours gentling and rehabilitating traumatized horses. She considers herself to be a horse listener. She later went for a very long walk along the Appalachian Trail: 2,180 miles from Maine to Georgia. She was blessed by the kindness of strangers along the way. It restored her faith in humanity. Eventually she moved to Chile where she became involved with the restoration and re-wilding of 1,200 acres of old growth native forests. She and her husband spent four months riding horses over 600 miles across Patagonia. They now offer horse-led expeditions involving horse communication and body-based experiences to develop mindfulness and build awareness of the interconnectedness between humans and the environments around us.