The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We immersed ourselves in the contemplation of the wild salmon’s journey from their freshwater birthing waters out into to the vast ocean waters. They return pushing against tides and currents back to their birthing waters to spawn new life and then die. They are nourished and in return nourish hundreds of other species along the way. Their bodies’ nutrients are taken up by trees. The out-breath of trees becomes the in-breath of many other creatures including us. This web of inter-being is at the heart of our mindfulness practice. May we all realize our inter-being and be moved to compassionate action in the world.
We were inspired by Alexandra Morton’s TEDx Seattle talk, What Humans Can Learn from the Wisdom of Salmon. Alexandra shares some of her moving experiences of studying whales, dolphins and salmon. She describes the inter-relationships between salmon and their greater habitat, including humans and more than humans. In 1980 she witnessed wild salmon migratory returns were crashing. She began studying their immune systems and discovered a virus transmitted by the farm raised Atlantic salmon. She and her team of researchers learned that by sampling the salmon along their migratory route back out into the Pacific ocean they could learn about the condition of ocean waters. Alexandra’s story is an inspirational call to care and to act to protect the lives of our more than human kin.
We heard from poet Jane Hirshfield’s On Being interview, The Fullness of Things. The fullness she refers to relates to the Buddhist perspective of accepting the suffering and perfection in life. The practice is a journey of feeling life’s joys and sorrows. She hopes that everyone’s journey includes a moment when “they stood in the world, undone by awe and radiance, and the small self vanishes, and you understand the world as immense and yours, and not yours. . . . The great gate to abundance is simply to feel yourself able to be porous, to be open to whatever is put in the bowl that is yours to hold with your 10 fingers and 54 bones. And that is abundance.”