This month our Moving into Meditation class is studying the Yoga Ethic of Saucha. Saucha is one of the Niyamas, the observances we practice to live in harmony with all of life. These guiding principles comprise the yogic model of living a conscious life. This model is outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra using the metaphor of a tree. The tree’s eight limbs describe the path.
In Yoga we climb these branches toward liberation – we liberate ourselves from unnecessary suffering. We free ourselves to embrace a deeper well being that includes all beings. Nischala Joy Devi defines the Yamas and Niyamas as “inspired offerings, not commandments, given to us gently and respectfully.” We can create harmony within ourselves and with our world relationships.
We drew inspiration from poet and philosopher John O’Donohue’s beautiful poetry. Here are some of the resources we used in this morning’s practice of guided relaxation, mindful movement and sitting meditation.