The Yogabliss on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We explored the practice of being mindful of difficult emotions focusing on anxiety. We’re living with great uncertainty: a global pandemic and an intense social struggle for racial justice. Our personal sharing about illness, loss, connection and joy evokes our vulnerability and our deep caring.
Our emotions arise to help us survive. Bringing mindfulness to our anxiety can help us recognize it and relate to it and to let it be. We can experience how the feeling expresses in physical sensations that move and change or transform altogether. We can grow our tolerance for being with the unpleasant experience. We can tap into our inner resources and offer ourselves tender caring and compassion. We did a guided meditation developed by mediation teacher and Nonviolent Communication trainer, Oren Jay Sofer. You can find his guided meditation, Meeting Anxiety, in the text of his article Handling Anxiety.
In our relaxed reflection we drew on a talk given by Mark Nunberg, the guiding teacher of Common Ground Meditation Center. You can find the talk, The Teachings in Brief for Troubled Hearts in Troubled Times, at the Dharma Seed podcast.
In closing we spoke a bit about the Dalai Lama. You can find his live webcasts at his web-site. You can also hear The Dalai Lama’s Advice for Right Now, in his interview with the Ten Percent Happier correspondent, Dan Harris and Richard Davidson, the founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin.