The Yogabliss on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. Today’s practice was about our connections – the way we relate to ourselves and one another. We explored ways of “presencing” that is, staying with what surfaces in our bodies, hearts and minds. This prepares us to be fully present in our relating – even with feelings of disconnection and loneliness. Spiritual teachings tell us that we are all interconnected, interdependent. Yet in today’s social separation and society’s fragmentation I – like many of my friends – often feel alone.
We drew on Irish poet and philosopher’s inspiration from his book: Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections of Our Yearning to Belong. He beautifully describes how our need to belong is at the center of our hearts. Our practice gives us the opportunity to become aware of and recognize the sensations, emotions and thoughts as signals. They often signal our unmet needs – needs that are universally human. Truly they can help us understand and connect with one another. Belonging is in the loving care we give and receive from each other.
Meditation teacher and author Sebene Selassie describes belonging as a paradox. True belonging includes our longing for connection and the challenge we have in accepting ourselves and each other – it doesn’t always feel good.
Finally we enjoyed Jean Valentine’s whimsical poem about relating: Sanctuary. Jean served as the State Poet of New York from 2008 to 2010. She has authored over a dozen books of poetry and taught at Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College, New York University.