The Yogabliss, Two Rivers/RiverTree Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. On our first meeting of the new year we return to our circle of care. Together we make our way through these troubled times with inspiration and practice. We ground ourselves with earth stillness. We feel and move with presence. We let go of our waiting and greet each moment with awareness. Again and again we return to our body wisdom to know what is true.
We drew on our imagination and heart wisdom to reflect on what matters most to us. We considered what we wish to bring forth in caring for what we hold most dear. We explored what we might be ready to let go of in service of what we love.
We drew inspiration from Barry Lopez who died on Christmas day. Barry was a remarkable human being. He wrote about his travels to wild places to learn what the land and its inhabitants have to teach us. Nearly all his writings affirm how precious life on earth is and our responsibility to care for it. Barry Lopez was and still is a gift to the world. His recent book Horizon gives so much insight into his very humble awareness of how inextricably involved we are with what happens to nature and at-risk cultures. He spoke in defense of the life whose voice speaks in languages other than words. He was so very generous in spirit. From an NPR interview:
It’s so difficult to be a human being. There are so many reasons to give up. To retreat into cynicism or despair. I hate to see that and I want to do something that makes people feel safe and loved and capable.
We heard Jane Hirshfield’s poem On Optimism affirm the resilience we share with nature.
We considered the work of naturalist Robin Wall Kimmerer. In her article, The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance, she describes the profound power of the gift economy as evidenced in nature and traditional cultures. She describes the natural impulses of gratitude and reciprocity and the wisdom of living in a ways in which we can flourish together.
In her essay, Skywoman Falling, she describes the deep time of forests arising, dominating and then falling back to earth to renew and sustain new growth. We can learn a lot from forest ways of inter-dependence, mutual support and a sacrifice to sustain new life.