The Yogabliss, Two Rivers/RiverTree Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. Today we investigated the truth of our experience in the present moment. If we can bring loving awareness and patient curiosity to experience we can learn a lot about our human condition. We can cultivate a sense of being grounded and allow perspective to emerge. Perspective often yields understanding about ourselves and others. Understanding helps to connect with our inner resources of compassion and loving kindness.
We drew inspiration from David Whyte’s poem Working together. This poem is drawn from his collection, The House of Belonging. His poem is a meditation on how we are shaped by the world. So many of life’s miracles arise from the interplay of what we see and what goes unseen. The poem reminds me of the many times we choose to trust in life’s ordinary offerings.
We drew from meditation instructor Oren Jay Sofer’s course on mindful communication meditation. Oren reminds us to be aware of how we approach meditation. Whatever we practice repeatedly informs the way we approach our life. You can learn more about Oren’s upcoming class: Say What You Mean.
We also heard from, The Conscious Effort True Love Requires, an essay written by meditation instructor Sharon Salzberg. Sharon suggests that challenging our habits, judgments and stories opens the door to loving.
Finally, Philip Booth’s poem, How to See a Deer, Philip Booth describes the qualities we need to see something wild and beautiful: kindness, interest, patience and curiosity,