The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We engaged our imagination in a compassion meditation. We imagined the land, culture and people of Ukraine. We imagined the decision makers who hold the fate of so many in their hands. We imagined the Russian people who are so closely related to their Ukrainian sisters and brothers. We reflected on the suffering and turmoil of the war. We imagined sending the physical, emotional and spiritual support needed to bring safety, healing, peace and renewal. May they and all beings be relieved of suffering.
We practiced a compassion meditation adapted from Nomali Perera’s To Contact and Hearten Ukraine: Guided Tonglen Meditation. Nomali works in coaching facilitation and teaches meditation.
Our guided reflection was inspired by meditation teacher and writer, Oren Jay Sofer. He offers many ways to contemplate and cultivate compassion. His teaching outlines the dimensions of compassion to include equanimity and wisdom.
We heard from To Begin With, the Sweet Grass by Mary Oliver. This poem is from the collection, Evidence: Poems. Mary paints pictures in words that land in our heart, flesh and bones. They move us beyond the edges of our skin, to “become a child of the clouds,” to love ourselves and to love the world.