The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We reflected on what it is to feel truly at home within ourselves. As social beings an integral part of belonging includes the communities we find outside ourselves. We experienced the hum of our shared humanity with breathing practice and empathic imagination. We slowed our habitual forward momentum by giving ourselves more time to pause and to feel. When we’re not rushing through life we can appreciate ourselves and each other. Life’s magic and mystery are revealed.
We heard the wisdom of Buddhist teacher and writer Clark Strand. As a former editor of Tricycle magazine he’s has written extensively about Green Buddhism, ethics and creative expression through Haiku. Clark encourages us to “meditate inside the life we have.”
We heard Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer’s beautiful poem Belonging. Rosemerry encourages students to find creative expression “inside the life you have.” You can find articles, interviews, videos, audios about Rosemerrry’s work by going to the “about” section on her web-site.
We drew inspiration from activist and writer Starhawk. She is founder of Earth Activist Trainings which center round permaculture and sustainability. She described circles of support in which we experience community. In community we can speak our passions and be heard.
We heard singer songwriter Carrie Newcomer’s poem Send Love, It Matters. You can find her beautiful music on her YouTube channel. For a treat watch her project You Can Do This Hard Thing.