The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. Today’s class affirms the basic innate goodness we share. We practiced appreciation as a way of attuning to this goodness within ourselves and each other.
We heard from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s teachings on the five appreciations. We drew from his Tricycle Magazine article, The Antidote to Self-Criticism. Rinpoche encourages us to practice appreciation for our innate goodness or what many call our true nature. We can recognize it within ourselves and in each other.
We heard Matty Weingast’s poem Mitta – Friend. This poem is from Matty’s book, The First Free Women: Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns, a reimagining of the Therīgāthā. This poem is inspired by the original writing of poet, Mitta. It is about finding friendship and belonging on the spiritual path.
We heard from Jeanne Corrigal’s Tricycle Magazine series, Closer Than We Think: Gentle Reflections on Death. In this section of the series Jeanne shares practices to support others in the transition of death.
One practice is helping others to remember their own goodness.
We ended with Alberto Rios’ poem We Are of a Tribe. The poem celebrates the common home we can find and share in the sky. It affirms the freedom and joy we can find in leaping the world’s ties.