The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We heard about John Francis’ 50 year walking pilgrimage. John received many kindnesses along the way. He entrusted himself to the world and recognized our interbeing with each other and the world. We explored befriending our bodies and minds. John’s story inspired us to entrust ourselves to the world.
We heard the story of Planetwalker John Francis today. John has been walking for the environment for the past 50 years. We how his walking experiences became a sacred journey in his interview with NPR journalist Manoush Zomorodi. We learned about his personal transformation during his many years of silent walking which he shared during his interview with L.A. Times journalist Sammy Roth. You can view, Planetwalker, the recently released 30 minute documentarYou can learn more about the Planetwalk Africa John is doing in collaboration with GLOBE(Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment).
You can view, Planetwalker, the recently released 30 minute documentary. The film manages to artfully reflect the different chapters of an activist’s life.
We heard Matti Weingast’s beautiful poem – Mitta or Friend.