The Yogabliss, Two Rivers/RiverTree Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We practiced with the Earth and as the Earth today. We explored the themes of deep time, earth stories and our bodies as earth bodies.
We began with Gregory Orr’s beautiful poem, This Is What Was Bequeathed Us.
Take a moment to watch Taian Lu’s beautiful animated film version of the poem.
We practiced Earth Breathing meditation inspired by Reggie Ray’s Tricycle Magazine article Touching Enlightenment: Digging Deep.
We drew inspiration from Geologist Marcia Bjornerud’s interview with Center for Humans and Nature journalist Anja Katina, Marcia describes us as temporal creatures. Marcia is the author of, Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World. You can check out her book from the library or listen to her Seattle Town Hall talk for more inspiration.
We also heard from The Inner Landscape of Beauty, On Being’s last interview with poet philosopher John O’Donohue. He died in January of 2008. This is a wonderful discussion of the human spirit and how we come to know our essence by slowing down enough to allow our souls to be revealed.
We ended with Valerie Hope Cherrin’s poem Earth Dream Body. Valerie guides mindful movement to help client’s find “ease in your body . . . joy in your heart . . . peace in your mind and beauty in your soul.”