Finding Our Voice in Silence

The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning.  We contemplated the ways we are called to love and courage.  We reflected on how our practice of mindfulness develops the ability to listen deeply and to stay with difficult truths.  We cultivate compassion and wisdom so that our actions can benefit all.

We heard part of the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde’s post-inauguration homily.  She called on the President to show mercy to the many, many people who are vulnerable to great harm because of their social position.  She also prayed that we all show “the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love and walk humbly with each other and our God for the good of all people, the good of all people in this nation and the world.”

We heard the poet and writer Maria Popova’s encouragement to Love Anyway.

We heard eco-activist and writer Joanna Macy’s encouragement to stay engaged with even the most difficult truths in life. Her words are drawn from the beautiful book, A Wild Love for the World. This is a collection of writings from leading spiritual teachers, deep ecologists and activists that explore the Joanna’s teachings.

We heard Jane Hirshfield’s poem, On the Fifth Day.

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Interbeing and Interbreathing

The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning.  We reflected on our inter-being and inter-breathing with the great web of life.  We imagined ourselves as trees generating life sustaining energy for the world around us.  We contemplated who and what we love and will protect.

We heard from Joanna Macy’s recent Lion’s Roar interview on The Great Awakening the Planet Needs. Joanna Macy has spent over sixty years organizing environmental and social action groups.  Joanna is a national treasure. You can hear more about her remarkable life and work by listening to A Wild Love for the World on On Being with Krista Tippett.  Her work describes the process by which we can develop interbeing.  In essence when we realize our interbeing caring for our world is simply and profoundly a way of caring for ourselves

We heard writer Deena Metzger’s poem, Inflammation. Deena is “a writer, a teacher, a healer and Earth advocate. [She] lives at the end of the road at the border of Topanga State Park with a variety of neighbors including mountain lions, bobcats, raccoons, coyotes, squirrels, rabbits, moles, gophers, rattlers, and a variety of birds who come to the bird feeder every day or to drink at the Buddha fountain.”

We heard eco-philosopher, David Abram’s, thoughts about inter-breathing as interbeing.

We closed with Yahia Lababidi’s poem, Breath.  Underneath the busyness of our lives, nature pulses  – ready to be felt, heard and seen.  Life waits quietly for our attention and care.

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Equanimity in the Midst of Fire

The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. The heartbreaking events of the past week’s catastrophic fires have shown that our survival depends on how we help one another.  We also reflected on the inner resources of balance and equanimity.   Cultivating inner balance can help to see and think clearly.  It can help us to sustain our support and service efforts.

We heard Terry Tempest Williams‘ powerful essay after the 2020 Utah fire season.  Over 330,000 acres burned in Terry’s homeland.  The essay is called A Burning Testament.  I think it speaks to our current western wildfire season.

We heard  from Oren Jay Sofer’s  book: Your Heart Was Made for This: Contemplative Practices for Meeting a World in Crisis with Courage, Integrity, and Love. Oren writes about equanimity as a centering stabilizing resource in our lives.  It enables us to stay right on the edge of reactivity.  We stay long enough to gain perspective and consider an appropriate response.

Our guided mediation was inspired by mediation teacher Kelly Boys‘ teachings on non-sleep deep rest (NSDR).  You can find more of Kelly’s practices on the Alembic YouTube channel Kelly Boys Playlist.

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Taking the Inward Way

The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We contemplated our human need for help.  We give and receive help during the course of our lives.  With mindfulness we can call on our heart’s wisdom to hear and answer calls for help with compassion and wisdom.

We heard from poet and writer David Whyte’s essay, Help.  This essay is drawn from the collection, Consolations:  The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words.

We heard poet Tracy Shaw’s Blessing for the Inward Way.

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