The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning. We contemplated our relationship with Earth as giver. Our body is a gift, given by Earth. We are Earth’s dream and she is our dream. Our natural response is gratitude. Gratitude arises in a field of abundance among inter-related beings. We can sense this in our bodies, feel it in our hearts and imagine it into being with our minds.
We heard from Robin Wall Kimmerer’s writing, The Serviceberry. You can read her Emergence Magazine interview, Practical Reverence. Robin describes her imaginative model for embodying a “practical reverence: an ethic of care, reciprocity, and gratitude for the Earth and Her abundance.” It might change your ideas about the possibilities of economy.
We heard Valerie Hope Cherrin’s poem EarthDreamBody. The poem is from an on-line journal, The Work That Reconnects. The poems are contributed by members who are doing this work of grieving for and advocating on behalf of our beleaguered and beautiful world.