The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We explored darkness and light as generative forces that enable us to grow and heal.
We heard the voices of young and old poets affirm the shadow we cast as a source of love and light. We can navigate the terrain of darkness with our compass of love.
We heard poet farmer Wendell Berry’s advice on how to know the dark. The poem is from his 1970 Farming: A Hand Book. He evokes a blooming and singing darkness. Perhaps this touches the generative aliveness of soil. Soil that nurtures seeds. Seeds that will blossom in the light of new growth? You can find more of his work at Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky.
We heard Shadow and Light Source Both, a poem by Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī. Rumi was a thirteenth century Sufi mystic and poet. The poem was translated by Coleman Barks. You can read his interesting Sun Magazine interview, Walking Around In The Heart Coleman Barks On Rumi, Sensuality, And The Path With No Name.
We heard Angel Marie Russell’s poem, Shadow. Angel “is a mental health advocate, writer, musician and artist devoted to sharing her experience with PTSD as a survivor of domestic violence and child abuse through writing, music and art” You can find more of her writing at her literary blog, Lost Ghost.
If you enjoyed Shadow check out Hum, a beautiful celebration of light and our place in the All!