The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We contemplated the importance of remembering the lives of humans and more-than-humans, places and experiences and histories that have helped to make us who we are. We considered how emotions and values inform our memories.
What we carry from the past influences our personal and collective present and future. May we continue the practice of mindful loving awareness on our journeys.
We heard from Fabiana Fondelvila’s essay, The Renewing Power of Ritual. This insightful essay explores how our transcendent emotions and essential human values can inform our practice of ritual. She offers examples and suggestions that help bring meaning to our personal and collective lives.
We heard Tibetan monk and teacher, Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s teachings on love.
Sophie Strand’s poem on love, The Final Lesson.
We heard from spiritual teacher, Ram Dass’ teachings on loving awareness.
We drew from Turning to Face the Dark, a Global Oneness Project conversation between Rabbi Ariel Burger and Parker Palmer.