The Yogabliss, Your Heart Life on-line Moving into Meditation classes met this morning. We explored the experience of befriending: ourselves and others. Mindful presence makes befriending possible. Truly listening is loving. We have the possibility of learning what is needed in the moment. We have the opportunity to respond with kindness, patience and understanding: what the world needs now and has always needed.
We drew inspiration from poet and teacher David Whyte. We heard a few paragraphs from his essay on Courage from the book, Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words. I think David speaks to the courage we express in our willingness to care, to stay engaged with life and to respond to what is needed when we can.
We heard Jane O’Shea’s poem I’ve Come to Listen. The poem is from her collection Follow Yourself Home. Not surprisingly Jane spends some of her time “teaching people how to have effective conversation.” I enjoy the poem because the simple lines read like a healing mantra.
We ended with Parker Palmer’s poem Everything Falls Away. Parker posted this poem on Facebook page in 2020. One of his latest books is On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old. He writes compassionately from his experience of being “on the brink of everything” as he navigates elderhood. I think he speaks about befriending when he writes: “The only way to become whole is to put our arms lovingly around -everything- we know ourselves to be: self-serving and generous, spiteful and compassionate, cowardly and courageous, treacherous and trustworthy.
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