Kindness and Gratitude

This beautiful image is by Mara Friedman, one of my favorite artists and creator of New Moon Visions.

I’ve been reflecting on the many kindnesses I’ve received and witnessed over the last few weeks.  I’ve been deeply touched by the caring my Mom received during her latest surgery and hospitalization.  These memories take the form of a mandala – an archetypal circle – that can represent the entire universe or the self and inner harmony.

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Constellation of Caring

Tim’s Photo of the Whirlpool Galaxay

I like the word the constellation.  It conjures imaginings of the night sky:  vast, wondrous, mysterious manifestations of light that draw “me” out of “my self”.  Gazing inward and upward I experience being beyond knowing.  Out there alone together, together alone. Yes, another metaphor is coming on. I am part of a constellation of caring as family member, friend, body worker and human being.  We shine alone and together in a myriad of different ways, intimate and distant, radiant and dim.

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