Moving Into Meditation With Trees

This month our Moving into Meditation class is studying the Yoga Ethic of Brahmacharya.  Here are some of the resources we used in this morning’s practice of guided relaxation, mindful movement and sitting meditation.

The inspiration for our guided relaxation and practice comes from The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben.  You can find a lovely synopsis of the book written by cultural essayist Maria Popova at her website.

We crushed the flat sprays of scale-like leaves of Thuja Plicata, our native Western red cedar, between our palms to release its aromatic oils.  We breathed them in during our Pranayama practice.  Cedarwood brings people together to experience strength and value of community.  It inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive love and support. Continue reading

Utmost Care in Meditation

This month our Moving into Meditation class is studying the Yoga Ethic of Brahmacharya.  Here are some of the resources we used in this morning’s practice of guided relaxation, mindful movement and sitting meditation.

The inspiration for our guided relaxation and practice comes from Native American musician, poet and writer, Joy Harjo.  Her latest book is Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings.

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Allowing in Meditation

This month our Moving into Meditation class is studying the Yoga Ethic of Brahmacharya.  Here are some of the resources we used in this morning’s practice of guided relaxation, mindful movement and sitting meditation.

The inspiration for our guided relaxation comes from teacher and social activist Michael Stone and poet and spoken word artist Ben Bushill.  You can hear more of Ben’s work on YouTube or read his poems in his book:  I Choose to Believe in Magic.

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