How Free Do I Want to Be?

This world – absolutely pure

As is.  Behind the fear,

Vulnerability.  Behind that,

Sadness, then compassion

And behind that the vast sky.

          ~  ~  ~  ~Rick Fields

We had the second meeting of our Living Beautifully Meditation Book Group at Yoga Bliss yesterday.  We came together for gentle yoga practice, meditation and discussion of the second section in Living Beautifully about taking the 1st Commitment, To Not Cause Harm.  It’s also called the Pratimoksha Vow of personal liberation.  At the very heart of this commitment, the price of freedom,  is our willingness to see ourselves clearly enough to know when we’re about to speak or act in ways that may be harmful to our selves and others.  These teachings challenge us not only to refrain from outward actions but also to reflect on what is happening inside our bodies, hearts and minds.  Easy right?

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Being Present, Feeling Heart, Embracing Life

We had our first meeting of our Living Beautifully Meditation Book Group at Yoga Bliss yesterday.  We came together for gentle yoga practice, meditation and discussion of the overview section in Living Beautifully.  I have to say this book is definitely an “in your face” challenging read. In her teaching of the Three Commitments, Pema interprets very old, traditional practices in a very fresh way – she takes materials that were intended for monks living in monasteries and makes them relevant to those of us who are living in a world of cell phones, computers and reality TV.  She describes ways to lessen the suffering we experience by trying to avoid the inevitable changes we face as we live, grow old and eventually die.  (and with a sense of humor!!!!)

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