
Thinning of the VeilsLiving is changing:  the veils of transition are thinning.  Yesterday we had the seventh Saturday meeting of the 9 week meditation series in the Daring Greatly: 60 Day Gratitude Challenge at Two Rivers Yoga. This week we focus on “embracing and being change.”  We began with a prayer inspired by Ana Forrest’s teaching:

. . . Let us dance with what is immovable in our lives.  Let us find the courage & help one another recognize the winds of change blowing through!  Let us find the courage & help one another let go of what no longer serves. Let us find the courage & help one another to challenge what is false.  Let us find the courage & help one another to honor nature’s seasons of life & change within us.  Let us find the courage & help one another to become gifts to our people . . . Let us give thanks!

We  used breath to spark up awareness  and to illuminate the inner birthing times we are experiencing.  We felt the energy of these invitations to change with all our senses.  We followed feeling – like a strand in a web . . . or many strands in a web . . . a web that may be a pattern of new growth or healing.  Then we drew on our powers of intuition and wisdom for an inquiry that can be ongoing:   What do you have to let go of to make room for this new energy? What’s weighing you down?  What beliefs are you ready to challenge? What is it that you want to embrace?

In our mind’s eye we saw ourselves claiming the energy needed to let go and to embrace. We enhanced the experience with feelings in our bodies, hearts and minds.  One of the best parts was feeling the energy of the circle.  We sang a little power song to ourselves and each other:

I see the beauty in you, I see the power in you, I see the greatness in you & so it is . . .
I see the goodness in you, I see the wisdom in you, I see the strength in you & so it is . . .
I see the joy in you, I see the light shining through, I see the love in you & so it is . . .

Being part of our circle has given me encouragement and faith to live fully.  Dawn described having an experience of the presence of angels.  You’ve been my angels.   Yesterday my heart struck with the beauty and preciousness we have in each other.  Our veils are thinning and birthing is happening.  And so it is . . .

Daring Greatly Gratitude Challenge Home Practice Guidelines Class 7