Our Song of Loving Aspiration

The Columbia City Yoga on-line Moving into Meditation class met this morning.  The natural world’s seasonal turning inspired us to find a deeper aspiration for meditation practice and for a way of being in the world.  A deeper aspiration may help us to establish a kind, calm presence, like sunlight on a forest. It may be an appreciative awareness. A forgiving awareness. A caring, kind or loving awareness.  We begin by nourishing ourselves with the breath.  We feel sensations in the body.  We draw on Earth’s support.  Breath, body and Earth can help us to feel our entanglement with the world.

We heard John Muir speak of our interdependence with all beings.  In his book, Mountain Thoughts, he seems to presage Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on inter-being.  We have the sun and the rivers, the trees and flowers inside of us.  The bird song and wind song, the song of rocks in the heart of the mountains are our own songs of love.  You can read a bit more of his Mountain Thoughts at the Sierra Club web-site.

Guided Reflection

Here in the northwest we are entering the  Autumn Equinox, the sun is exactly above the equator,  day and night are of equal length. We are in perfect balance between light and dark. We can also imagine ourselves at a threshold where we feel the pull of our inner life. I invite you to take a few deep breaths. Let the in coming breath nourish you. Let the out going breath release you into Earth’s support. Sense gravity hugging your body. You might sense it on the edges of your skin. You might feel it’s energy touching every cell. Sense gravity pulling your body toward Earth.  Explore the sensations of your body contact with Earth’s body. Rest in the experience of being grounded, stable and at peace.

At this time of year, things are falling away, coming to their natural conclusion, baring their empty branches. This can be a sacred time in which we, too, can be letting go. We can attune to the powers of nature as they are making themselves known, as they are calling us into a deeper intimacy with the sacred. We may become sensitive to the powers of nature as they make themselves known inside us. We can share in the wisdom of nature if we can learn to move into a deeper intimacy with the sacred.

In his book, Mountain Thoughts, John Muir wrote:

The sun shines not on us, but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us. Thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.

The sun shines within us.  We can also see our reflections and shadows cast by the moon. Here in our circle of loving awareness we might sense the trees wave in our bodies, the flowers bloom in our souls. We might hear the bird, wind and rock songs becoming our songs. Our songs of love. We are inspired as we breathe – respiratio manifesting spiritus. This is a good time to feel breathing and listen for our songs of love. What inspires you? What calls your heart to deeper aspiration? Teacher Gil Fronsdal describes a deep aspiration as one with which we nourish ourselves as we connect with others. A kind of compassionate presence that is its own food. A food we can offer as appreciation, attunement and respect. A presence for the benefit of all beings including ourselves.

As we experience the turning of the season, our practice invites us to deeper presence. We nourish ourselves so that we might offer a fellow being a connection in which we both feel safe. We can be nourished and inspired by the connection we establish together. Gil describes how an aspiration from this deep place brings a mutuality of benefit, love, care and respect to both beings in relationship. We can think of this as a way of finding the song of life within us. A song we can sing to enliven our connection with all beings.

Let’s cultivate a nourishing aspiration in mindfulness practice. Establish a posture so you can feel Earth’s support. As you’re ready, I invite you to imagine the way sunlight bathes a forest. Imagine how its slow gentle light awakens nearly imperceptible changes. It may be growth in some areas or a letting go in others – a returning to Earth. Our aspiration to cultivate loving awareness and mindfulness comes to life in this same, gentle, sensitive way. We can take in the goodness of our aspiration in a way that is free. In a way that is appreciative and kind. We can deeply attune to ourselves with an awareness like sunlight bathing a forest.

Become aware of yourself, here and now. Become aware of your body in all its dimensions and sensations.  Allow your awareness to move from sensations of breathing to roaming through your body. Find places to relax. Open to an aspiration for being here now, present in meditation. Attune to an aspiration that enlivens you. One that inspires you with a kind, calm presence, like sunlight on a forest. It may be an appreciative awareness. A forgiving awareness. A caring, kind or loving awareness.

Can there be an aspiration to be present with freedom? A freedom that gives whatever we’re aware of its freedom. Freedom from our clinging, aversions, judgments. Can you find an aspiration to be present that is inspiring? Let that be a light that shines on your practice of mindfulness. Let it inspire bringing freedom to all things. Let this aspiration inform how you are present with each experience. Like the sun shining inside us let this illuminate your deepest aspiration to help you be present, compassionate, loving and kind.

The sun shines . . . in us. The rivers flow . . . through us. . . . [V]ibrating every fiber and cell of . . . our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, . . . every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.

And as we near the close of this meditation, I invite you to aspire for the well being of  others. Open your care and mindfulness to take in the people, the beings around you. Let the light of your aspiration awaken and spread goodness and care in the world. Aspiring for the welfare and happiness of all. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be free. May we find ways today to live this aspiration. May we benefit the world today. Even in the smallest ways.