Starting the (hopefully) last round

IMG_6491I finish up my second break week this week in the Mullen Protocol and am ready to start my last round of it in the morning, I organized my pills this morning.  I really debated whether or not to even do this last few weeks since I’ve been feeling so much better but I decided that it wouldn’t hurt just to get in a last 10-12 days and see if I can knock this stuff out all the way.   This break week went well, I only did one of the S.boulardii caps a day instead of two and had no bad reaction to that.   I have had pretty much no SIBO symptoms all week long, just a bit of deeper stuff very occasionally late in the evening and even that is nothing.

Finishing up a week of testing too.  I had yet another blood draw on Thursday to do a metabolic and lipid panel, I did the last samples for a 3-day stool test this morning and am doing a 24 hour saliva test today for adrenal issues.   Not sure when I’ll get all this back, I should have the blood work and the auto-immune panel before we go to Portland on the 14th so I can at least review that with Dr. Keller along with my SIBO test.

Weight was up a bit this week, I hit 156 this morning for the first time in over two months.  I’m hoping this is a trend and I can continue to put on a bit of weight, still shooting for that 160 mark that I haven’t been at in over 15 months now.  I’ve been sleeping a bit better this week also, getting at least 8 hours a night even if it is interrupted a bit in the middle of the night but I seem to be falling back asleep faster this past week.


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