I’m continuing on the South Fork, trying to get a painting out of most of the areas I explored this year. This one is from Ollalie State Park off Exit 38 at the South Fork Picnic Area. In the background you can see part of the rock walls that make up the Exit 38 climbing area which used to be one of my rock playgrounds. This area was a great place to fish in early summer, the water was crystal clear, the wading pretty easy and the cutthroat more than willing to come grab a kebari. I probably made a few trips to this part of Ollalie State Park and also fished the Far Side area and the water just under the main climbing wall parking lot.
I had done this painting in oils during my “training” period before the actual challenge started but wanted to re-do it in acrylic for the show. Only 4 to go, in the final miles of this painting marathon. As of today though I have been painting for a solid month since I did four pieces before I picked up my canvases to get back in the groove. I still need to get the backs of the canvases all filled out with title, materials and a link to the blog and will do that on a rainy day this week.