In the spring and early summer I spend a lot of time fishing beaches in mid-Puget Sound, especially from Carkeek Park to Picnic Point. One of my favorites is Meadowdale Beach. The beach is a 1.5 mile hike down a fairly steep gulch so there aren’t many people who want to trudge down it in waders carrying gear, not to mention going back up. Lund’s Gulch Creek goes through a tunnel under the rail tracks and then winds its way though the sand and gravel on the beach to the Sound. Often the best searun cutthroat fishing is found just north of the creek outflow past the first bar on the beach.
Another oil painting with heavy use of fast drying medium, hopefully it dries in a few days. Very limited palette on this one – titanium white, ultramarine blue, burnt umber and a small amount of sap green and alizarin crimson.