B.hominis – to treat or not?

Four_common_forms_of_Blastocystis_hominis_ValznI really tried to use the Purge the Whorl to help clear my b.hominis parasite while doing my current SIBO herbals but it just was not meant to be.  The first time I tried I got sick off 1t. and the nausea lasted about 2 days.  I waited a week and tried again but decided to slowly ramp up from 1/2t. 1x a day up to 1t./3x day over the course of about a week.  I lasted 3 days on the full dose and then got really sick from it.  The stuff is vile to say the least, it deserves the Mr. Yuck sticker on the bottle.  It was never easy to choke down and then just made my stomach very upset.

On Tuesday I talked to Dr. Keller at the SIBO Center about whether or not to try something different.   Her advice was to wait on treating b.hominis for now and just focus on the SIBO for this last 30 days before I retest.  Evidently there is no consensus on whether b.hominis is commensal or pathogenic and the current thinking is to only treat if a person is symptomatic from it.  Also, according to at least this one study, the infection can often clear up without any treatment since the immune system will take care of it.  Treatments are used mostly in people who are already immuno compromised, like me at the moment. Evidently once SIBO clears the immune system rebounds in about 2-3 months and may just deal with the parasite by itself.  So for now, I’m just going to let it slide, see if I can clear SIBO and then see if I still have symptoms.  Hard to tell right now since the symptoms are pretty much the same as SIBO.

I am currently on Day 38 of this round of herbals for SIBO and have 23 days left until I stop to retest on Feb. 5th.  Overall my symptoms are way down and when I do get them it is very mild usually a few hours after dinner.  To try and address this I’m adding in some extra pro kinetic agents during the day to see if that helps.  So right now my adjusted protocol is:

At meals:

  • 20 drops Iberogast before eating
  • 2 AlliMed
  • 2 Neem Plus
  • 1 Berberine Complex

Between Breakfast and Lunch:

  • 3 MotilPro
  • 1 250mg Mag

At bedtime:

  • 3 MotilPro
  • 250-800mg Mag depending on the day
  • 4.5mg LDN



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